QSPR Correlation of the Melting Point for Pyridinium Bromides, Potential Ionic Liquids

Alan R. Katritzky, Andre Lomaka, Ruslan Petrukhin, Ritu Jain, Mati Karelson,
Ann E. Visser, and Robin D. Rogers


In an attempt to develop predictive tools for the determination of new ionic liquid solvents, QSPR models for the melting points of 126 structurally diverse pyridinium bromides in the temperature range 30-200 C were developed with the CODESSA program. Six- and two-descriptor equations with squared correlation coefficients (R2) of 0.788 and 0.713, respectively, are reported for the melting temperatures. The models illustrate the importance of information content indices, total entropy, and the average nucleophilic reactivity index for an N atom.